Episode 11 – Hair Salad



This episode is another Disney Story Origins (number 4), where I discuss the Grimm fairytale “Rapunzel”, it’s origin, it’s historical context and compared it to Disney’s “Tangled”

As mentioned in the episode, the name “Rapunzel” comes from a rampion plant, Phyteuma, which Disney took into account when designing Rapunzel’s dress:





Your first challenge is this:

Play The Audio Clip: 

Answer The Challenge Question: Listening to all of the details in the clip: What is the name of the waterfall I walk past.

The Prize:


“Walt The Man Behind The Myth” Documentary DVD


E-mail your answer to thedlrage@gmail.com, with “Episode 11 Audio Challenge” in the subject header, and your first and last name.

If you have answered correctly, your name will be placed on a list, when the cutoff day arrives (Monday April 29, 2013) the list will be run through a randomizer, and one participant will emerge victorious and win the prize.

I will E-mail the winner and ask for a mailing address, and after I have received the address I will ship the prize to the winner and delete the address. I WILL NOT sell, or use anyone’s address beyond putting in on a package and shipping it to the addressee.

At this time, only residents of the United States of America may win the prize.:(

People from other countries may participate if they wish, but the cost of the prize and the shipping come out of my pocket and it is simply too expensive to ship items overseas. Really sorry about that, because I know I have listeners in Australia, Japan and Canada. 😦

Please DO NOT post answers publicly on my Twitter or Facebook pages. It’s a pretty easy challenge (for Disgeeks). Let’s not make it any easier. Any answers posted to my FB or Twitter will be immediately deleted.

I will announce the winner on my next episode, though the winner may receive the prize before that happens.

Thank you for listening to my podcast, and for participating in my little game. I’d love to hear any comments and you can do that below or e-mail me at: thedlrage@gmail.com

You can follow this podcast on twitter @DL_Rage, and “like” The DLRage on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/dlrage 

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